
Showing posts from 2012

Poem: School on a Rainy Day

School on a rainy day, Far as far an eye can see, Not even the strongest ray, Can penetrate and land on me. The rain like magic, Turns the class on a side, It seems so tragic, For the people inside. Although half attend, They lift the class, You cannot pretend, They weren't so fast. Finally the room stands up, And the room as a giant, Bellows 'Fi Fie Fo Fum, I know that the sun has come' If you have a burning question, or would like to featured in some way in the "Ask them from me" segment, email me at: If you do not want to be featured in the "Ask them from me" featured post, please let me know in the email :) Visit Particular Interest for more content like this! Previous Poem All Poems   Next Poem  

Essay: William Golding's "Lord of the Flies"

Evil will triumph until we realise that there are inner evils within ourselves. The eye-opening novel, Lord of the Flies written by William Golding, embodies such an idea that humans are inherently evil, not the objects of which that are usually blamed. This theme has transcended time and brings to our attention that we are ignorant of our sins and warns us of the dangers of blaming our faults on other objects. I have displayed this key theme in my representation through use of visual techniques. The salient feature in the background is an image of a knife and gun that have been used to represent typical things that are blamed for evil acts, which are on demand. Beneath are hands that all point to the objects, signifying the accusation. However, both the gun and the knife are man-made. This, coupled with the lack of any natural objects or materials subtly emphasises the human nature and fault that is present. The hands are black, juxtaposing to the empty and colourless objects, emp...