
Showing posts from 2015

Super Short Story: La Luna

For the moon was weak, the sun took its chance and rose out of the ashes - the future seemed nothing but bleak. La Luna held her place in the sky, filling the air with a calm white glow but Sola knew her power was stronger. She fired rays of intense heat towards her sister, flailing her arms in dominance. La Luna, did her best to hide, blending her white glow into a blue cover. Sola knew her sister had been defeated and took her place in the sky, shining brightly and waking up her subjects below. People dared not look at her for fear they would go blind from her anger. As the day rolled by, fear and anxiety rose in the community, they fled for the shadows and hid beneath shields that absorbed her wrath. This was not to last forever though. Sola was only but a Queen by day; her rest was needed for her to continue ruling for eternity. As she slinked away into the warm ashes she called a bed, her sister came out of hiding, thanking the clouds that helped her blend into her surroundings. ...

Short Story: We are United

Scattered pages. Shuffling feet. The screech of sliding chairs. The once empty hall is now being inundated with people. The 15 all-men council, stood around the horse shoe table waiting for the instruction to sit down. It was ‘customary’ but one would question why grown men would require direction to sit, especially if they were so powerful and so important. On the table in front of each man lay a placard, with their country names, instead of their own, engraved on them. Behind the delegates stand their staff, a lanyard with a tag collared around each of their necks – they would wait until the council sat before they would dare to sit – it was ‘respectful’ for them to wait. Their duty was to assist the needs of the more important delegates, yet there was no frustration on their faces, or smiles for that matter, just blank expressionless looks. At the back of the conference hall, a mural towered over all the members, a phoenix the central figure. It was pure white and stood...


Sorry. Sorry to the people in my life that I have disappointed, the people I have failed, the standards that I did not meet. I’m sincerely sorry. It wasn’t because I wasn’t trying hard, however, but because failure is just a part of life and unfortunately we all fail. Have you ever tried so hard at something, tried to keep up with commitments and try to make sure that everyone in your life was happy, just to find out that it didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to?  But I’m here to tell you, just as failure is a part of life so too must success be a part of life. I mean you have death and you have life, you have darkness but then there’s light, you have sorrow but there is also happiness. At school we are always striving for this mystical thing called success. We want to dux the year, get first in the subjects we love and to get that award that said, yes, I did it. However, success isn’t always what we want it to be. We might miss out on a place at the athletics carnival, we ...