Super Short Story: Lamentable; That Cliff of no Return
I stare through the window and watch the sun set for the tenth time knowing it will be the end. ‘Coward’ and ‘chicken’ I have been called too often. Not this time; it will be different. My shoes slip on easily and in only a few moments, I was downstairs. Empty, as usual. Why it was surprising, I still don’t understand. My family weren’t coming back; they didn’t love me, they didn’t care for me. I leave the house, walking to the cliffs, with stranger’s eyes peering at me with distaste. Keeping my head down, I continue walking in the cold. The memorable spot was still the same – boundary fence and benches. People pass me by but take no notice of me standing on the outside of the fence. Alone and isolated is what I feel. The waves smash the cliff; the sound, liberating. I look down at the water, adrenaline pumping through my veins. A salty ocean breeze creates a memorable scent and signals the beginning of forgetting. The light from the sun gleams from the sky and makes...