How Much Time do we Have Left?
Earlier this week, during class, someone
asked me, ‘how much time do we have left?’
Now normally I would take this to mean ‘how much time is there
left to the end of the period’, but after a week of tests, with an English
extension task ahead of me and an English advanced task already completed, I started
to think a bit deeper into the meaning of what he asked me. How much time do we truly have left? The
simple answer is, not a lot. And I started to think further, so what about what
we want to do with our lives, will we even have enough time to achieve what we
want to achieve?
We all have dreams, we all have goals, and
in my opinion one of the very few things that makes us human, are our dreams; and
the thing is, we don’t have that much time to do what we want to do and we will
end up with even less time because of one of our biggest flaws – inaction.
“Ambition is the path to success.
Persistence is the vehicle that you arrive in.”
One cannot exist without the other.
Essentially, hard work and effort is what
it takes to get us there to achieve what we want to achieve. And this isn’t
just effort for the sake of effort - if you want to get that dream, you have
got be relentless, persistent and determined. You cannot simply go halfway
through and then give up because then you’ll never get what you truly
want. What this means is, that we must be able to
overcome our negative habits; the two greatest obstacles being procrastination
& negativity
It was only a couple weeks ago, a friend of
mine told me he did not know what he could do with his life. He didn’t know
what career to take; he didn’t know what value he could add into society, for
he believed that all of his traits, his abilities, his skills, knowledge and
talents were of little to no worth. This negativity is a consequence of just
our everyday humility. He isn’t the only one. The majority of people will go
through life, the little time they have and not realise their true potential
for they shun their abilities and capacities.
It took me a while to learn this lesson –
the biggest critic in life will not be your teacher, your parents, your
siblings or your significant other. It won’t be your friends, your colleagues,
your boss or even competition. The biggest critic is the one that you were born
with. The biggest critic will always be you.
And when we do listen to that critic
inside, more often than not we restrict ourselves. That tends to cause us to
seek approval from alternative sources and as a consequence we usually end up
sticking in the safe zone because of this critic. This safe zone is the very
same area that procrastination thrives in. We love our comfort zone, we love
security too much – and sure we can stay there and feel safe but you will never
progress, you will never get better and you will never achieve your dreams.
Most of us don’t end up utilising our talents or our abilities – and maybe
that’s simply because of our negativity.
When you look at someone whom you think is
successful, what do you see was the main reason they became successful? Was it
because of their charisma; was it because of their quick-thinking? Whatever you
think it is, it boils down to one true trait – persistence. Even when they have
the worst thrown on them, they rise above because they keep putting the hard
yards in and they don’t stop till they’ve got a hold of their dreams.
You all have had the opportunity of a
lifetime, to live the life you want to see fit - you should be excited that you
have such an opportunity, you will be the first and last person to ever walk in
your shoes, and what this means is that you should take opportunity and never
let go. For that determination, that drive, the hard work and effort is what
gets you from having just an opportunity, to having success.
There’s very little time left, but that’s
not what you should concentrate on. Concentrate on the now and make sure that
the goal that you set for yourself isn’t going to remain just a goal. Make sure
that you utilise your time resourcefully and creatively so you aren’t
perpetually seeking and chasing a goal but that you reach it, so that you can
progress so with that time that you have left, isn’t spent wasted away but used
just as any other resource, whether it be at home or even during class, to make
sure that you have done all that you can, and then some, to achieve what you
want to achieve. That, is the winners ability.
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