
Showing posts from August, 2017

Social Media Rituals: Its Influence on the private domestic and the outside public world

Since the turn of the century, there has been an advent of technological revolution, much of such progress revolving around human communication [Pew, 2016]. The most prevalent being the mass adoption of the mobile phone and its connected ecosystem which has impacted not only the method and medium of communication but individual attitudes regarding culture and social community [Traxler, 2008]. These technologies have themselves become an integral part of our daily lives and therefore it is not uncommon to have the use of these technologies, particularly in regards to media, becoming ritualised in our daily routines [Markham 2017]. For the modern audience, this is evident through the repetitive engagement of social media, which has helped shaped the core attitudes of societal functioning for over the past decade [Traxler, 2008]. Yet this repetitive action through use of these technologies is not what helps shape our social culture but one of the core aspects of modern social constructs ...

Mobile, Media and Everyday Life Pt 2. Annotated Bibliography

·       HJorth, L 2017, ‘Pokémon GO: Mobile media play, place-making and the digital wayfarer’, Mobile Media & Communication , Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 3-14, DOI: 10.1177/2050157916680015, Accessed 9 April 2017 from Sage Journals Online o    In this article Hjorth reviews the expanding socio-cultural and spatial experiences that are augmented by mobile media. Hjorth investigates through use of current qualitative data regarding interactive behaviours regarding geo-localities, which serve as an extension to the basis of the research around the relationship of society, culture and technology. Hjorth specifically focuses experience of place which has been catalysed by Pokemon Go and mobile games. This article will be useful to my topic as it explores how mobile technology has an effect on human behaviour as well as the role of mobile media in the changing understanding of place. The main limitations of this article are its reliance on qualitative resear...